Ada Lovelace was born on December 10, 1815 and died November 27, 1852. She is widely considered to be the first computer programmer. This is because of her assistance of Charles Babbage and his Analytical Engine. Due to her contributions, the programming language "Ada" was named after her.
Kathleen Booth on July 9, 1922 and died January 20, 2021. She is known for being the creator of the most fundamental programming language known as Assembly. She co-founded the School of Computer Science and Information Systems in 1957. She also designed one of the first ARC (Automatic Relay Computer) computers in her time at Birbeck college. She went on to become a professor and researched neural networks leading to simulations of animal pattern-recognition.
Linus Torvalds was born on December 28, 1969 and is still alive today. He is a Finnish computer scientist who is most know for inventing the very popular Linux operating system. His programming career began when he was just ten years old with his grandfather's Commodore VIC-20. The reason for him creating Linux was that he had become accustomed to his University UNIX OS and was not satisfied with Windows. The unique property of Linux is that it is open source, meaning anyone can modify and make their own versions of it, such as Unbuntu, Debian, and Fedora, with hundreds of others being made and used today.